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Wake Up Timer

The wakeup timer is a programmable 16 bit down-counter.
The wakeup timer range can be extended to 17 bits.

After a reset the backup domain is write protected.
Unlock access to backup domain:

  • Set the DBP bit (disable backup protection) in PWR→CR.

After a backup domain reset (not a system reset) most of the RTC registers are write protected.
Disable the write protection by writing the unlock key to RTC→WPR:

  • Write 0xCA to RTC→WPR.
  • Write 0x53 to RTC→WPR.

The RTC clock is disabled by default. Select a clock source and enable the RTC clock.
Make sure that the clock source is available while in power down mode.

  • Setup / enable an appropriate clock source, e.g. LSI.
  • Select clock source for RTCCLK in RCC→BDCR.
  • Enable RTCCLK in RCC→BDCR.

To configure the auto wakeup timer proceed as follows:

  • Disable wakeup timer in RTC→CR.
  • Wait until configuration of RTC is allowed.
    Check corresponding bit in RTC→ISR.
  • Program reload value in RTC→WUTR.
  • Program prescaler value in RTC→CR.
  • Enable wakeup interrupt in RTC→CR.

To use the wakeup interrupt, you need to configure the EXTI channel
and enable it in the NVIC:

  • Clear any pending wakeup interrupt flag in RTC→ISR.
  • Configure the dedicated EXTI interrupt channel for the RTC.
    I.e. select edge and enable.
  • Enable the RTC wakeup interrupt in the NVIC.

Start the wakeup timer:

  • Enable wakeup timer in RTC→CR.

Reenable RTC write protection:

  • Write 0xff to RTC→WPR.

Configuration register

WUCKSEL000fWUT ⇒ RTCCLK/16 (reset state)10xfWUT ⇒ ck_spre (1Hz)
001fWUT ⇒ RTCCLK/8
010fWUT ⇒ RTCCLK/411xfWUT ⇒ ck_spre (1Hz), 216 added to WUTR
011fWUT ⇒ RTCCLK/2
WUTE0Wake up timer disabled (reset state)
1Wake up timer enabled
WUTIE0Wake up timer interrupt disabled (reset state)
1Wake up timer interrupt enabled

Wakeup timer register

Initialization and status register

WUTWF*0Wake up timer configuration not allowed
1Wake up timer configuration allowed

* This bit is set, after the WUTE bit (control register) has been set to 0, and reset by hardware.

  • stm32/peripherals/rtc_wakeup.1478514002.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/07 10:20
  • by feur