CT-Board test

This page shows you how to test your CT-Board.

Download CT_Board_Periphery_Test.zip file and unpack it on your machine.

Open the CT_Board_Periphery_Test.uvprojx Keil project.

Use the first two instructions from the getting started Compile & Debug section to Compile and flash the code on to your CT-Board.

4.1) LCD Background Light

The background light of the LCD should cycle through the colours: red, green and blue

4.2) Button & 7 Segment Display

  1. On each display a “moving” LED should be on.

  2. Push a button to perform the test.

  3. All the LEDs on the corresponding display should be on.
  4. Repeat with all 7 segment displays.

4.3) DIP-Switch & LED

Switch all dip-switches to the active position.
All LED should be on, “moving” LEDs should be off.

Switch all dip-switches to the inactive position.
All LEDs should be off, “moving” LEDs should be on.

4.4) Potentiometer

  1. Turn the potentiometer to the left.
  2. On the LCD the Bar should be “empty”.

  1. Turn the potentiometer to the right.
  2. On the LCD the bar should be “full”.

4.5) HEX-Switch

  1. Turn the HEX-Switch one step.
  2. On the LCD the value should be displayed.
  3. Repeat 1. and 2. until all possibilities are checked (0..9, a..f).

4.6) GPIO Ports P5/P6

REQUIRES ADDITIONAL HARDWARE! This test requires flat ribbon cable,
which you will find in the laboratory. Skip this test if you do not have access to it.

  1. The status of the port is displayed on the LCD.
  2. Insert a flat ribbon cable from P5 to P6.

  3. The LCD should display the testresult for P56 either with an X or with a ✓.

4.7) 7 GPIO Ports 1..4

OPTIONAL: This test requires additional hardware.
Skip this test if you do not have access to it.

  1. Please make sure the CT-Board is in the correct mode. Supported modes: 1

  2. The status of the port is displayed on the LCD.

  3. Insert the test plug in one of the port and push the corresponding button.

  4. The LCD should dipslay the testresul either with an X or with a ✓.
  • software/start/ct_board_test.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/09/08 07:38
  • by frtt