Compiling & Debugging

This page describes how you compile, link and debug a project in Keil uVision.

To compile and link a project use the build buttons as shown bellow.

  • Build, compiles and links the current source file.
  • Rebuild, compiles and links all source files.

Turn on the target system and connect it with a USB cable to the host computer.
Now click the “Download” button and after that, press the black reset button on the CT Board. The programm is now completly downloaded to the board.

Start the remote debugger with the “Debug” button.

  • Download, downloads the compiled binary to the target.
  • Debug, downloads the compiled binary to the target and starts the debugger.

With the following buttons you can step through the program.

  • Single Step, executes the program instruction after instruction.
  • Step Over, executes the code on the current row.
  • Step Out, executes the code until the current block ends.
  • Step to Cursor Line, runs the code until the cursor line.
  • Reset, resets the cpu.
  • Run, runs the code until the next breakpoint.
  • Stop, halts the running program.

To insert a breakpoint use the following buttons.

  • Insert/Remove, inserts or removes a breakpoint on current row.
  • Enable/Disable, enables or disables breakpoint on current row.
  • Disable All, disables all breakpoints.
  • Kill All, deletes all breakpoints.

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  • software/keil/debugging.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/02/07 16:20
  • by akdi