LCD ASCII Interface

Every position on the LCD corresponds to an address. See below for the relation.

Please make sure the CT Board is in the correct mode.
Supported modes: 1, 2, 3, 4

The registers are write only.

Base address: 0x6000'0300

The code snippets below shows how to use the ASCII interface of the LCD.

#include "reg_ctboard.h"
const char text[] = "hello";
CT_LCD->ASCII[13u] = 'c';         /* Write character 'c' at position 13 on the LCD. */
CT_LCD->ASCII[18u] = text[0u];    /* Write character 'h' from string "hello" at position 18 on the LCD. */

ADDR_LCD_ASCII  EQU      0x60000300
                LDR      r0, =ADDR_LCD_ASCII
                LDR      r1, ="E"                         ; Load value of ASCII char 'E' into r1.                
                STRB     r1, [r0, #12]                    ; Write 'E' at position 13 on the LCD.

  • ctboard/peripherals/lcd_ascii.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/12/23 12:20
  • by ruan