7-Segment Display - Binary Interface

The four 7-segment displays can jointly display a 16-bit value as a four digit HEX number.
In this mode the display can't be switched off, use the segment control interface instead.

Please make sure the CT Board is in the correct mode.
Supported modes: 1, 2, 3, 4

The registers are read / write.

The code snippet below shows how to use the 7-segment display as HEX display.

#include "reg_ctboard.h"
CT_SEG7->BIN.BYTE.DS1_0 = (uint8_t) data_byte;        /* Write byte of binary data to DS1..0. */
CT_SEG7->BIN.HWORD = (uint16_t) data_halfword;        /* Write half word of binary data to all displays. */

ADDR_SEG7_BIN   EQU      0x60000114
                LDR      r0, =ADDR_SEG7_BIN
                STRB     r1, [r0, #0]                     ; Write byte of binary data to DS1..0.
                STRH     r1, [r0, #0]                     ; Write half word of binary data to all displays.

  • ctboard/peripherals/7segment_bin.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/12/23 11:07
  • by ruan