====== LCD ASCII Interface ====== Every position on the LCD corresponds to an address. See below for the relation. \\ \\ > {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_1.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_2.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_3.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_4.svg?48px }} Please make sure the CT Board is in the correct mode. > Supported [[ctboard:mode_switch|modes]]: **1**, **2**, **3**, **4** \\ ===== Registers ===== The registers are write only. \\ {{ctboard_lcd_ascii_reg_new.svg}} \\ \\ ===== Display Positions ===== \\ {{ctboard_lcd_ascii_new.svg?700em}} \\ \\ Base address: 0x6000'0300 ===== Programming Example ===== The code snippets below shows how to use the ASCII interface of the LCD. #include "reg_ctboard.h" const char text[] = "hello"; CT_LCD->ASCII[13u] = 'c'; /* Write character 'c' at position 13 on the LCD. */ CT_LCD->ASCII[18u] = text[0u]; /* Write character 'h' from string "hello" at position 18 on the LCD. */ \\ ADDR_LCD_ASCII EQU 0x60000300 LDR r0, =ADDR_LCD_ASCII LDR r1, ="E" ; Load value of ASCII char 'E' into r1. STRB r1, [r0, #12] ; Write 'E' at position 13 on the LCD. \\