====== 7-Segment Display - Segment Control Mode ====== Each segment of the display can be controlled independently. The segments are **"active-low"**, e.g. the segment is on if a logic "0" is written to it. \\ \\ > {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_1.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_2.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_3.svg?48px }} {{ctboard:ctboard_mode_4.svg?48px }} Please make sure the CT Board is in the correct mode. > Supported [[ctboard:mode_switch|modes]]: **1**, **2**, **3**, **4** \\ ===== Registers ===== The registers are read / write. \\ {{ctboard_7seg_raw_reg.svg}} \\ \\ ===== Diagram ===== \\ {{ctboard_7seg_raw.svg?700em}} \\ \\ ===== Programming Example ===== The code snippet below shows how to use the 7-segment display in segment control mode. #include "reg_ctboard.h" CT_SEG7->RAW.BYTE.DS0 = (uint8_t) data_byte; /* Write byte of segment data to DS0. */ CT_SEG7->RAW.HWORD.DS3_2 = (uint16_t) data_halfword; /* Write half word of segment data to DS3..2. */ CT_SEG7->RAW.WORD = (uint32_t) data_word; /* Write word of segment data to all displays. */ \\ ADDR_SEG7_RAW EQU 0x60000110 LDR r0, =ADDR_SEG7_RAW STRB r1, [r0, #0] ; Write byte of segment data to DS0. STRH r1, [r0, #2] ; Write half word of segment data to DS3..2. STR r1, [r0, #0] ; Write word of segment data to all displays. \\